2007年5月29日 星期二

Rollerblading in Paris

當地的社團活動 (free?):相當壯觀…,不過都是在下午或晚上開始。一次溜 20-25 km.

  • http://www.pari-roller.com/
    Tel: 01 43 36 89 81
    Over 4,000 experienced skaters take a different 25 km circuit each week. Details the day before (Thursday) on the website. Once every two months, it includes the Champs-Elysées.
    Friday evenings, meet at 10pm, place Raoul Dautry in Montparnasse – 75014
  • http://www.rollers-coquillages.org/
    Tel: 01 44 54 07 44
    Tour for beginners. A circuit of approx. 20 km over 3 hours, an enjoyable tour of Paris.
    Sunday afternoons, meet at 2pm, boulevard Bourdon at Bastille - 75004.
    4, rue Jacques Coeur, 75004, PARIS
    Fax :
    mail : rollerclubdefrance@yahoo.fr

那兒可以溜(Where can you rollerblade? 區; 地點; M° 地鐵站)

  1. 1st Place du Palais Royal; M°: Palais Royal
  2. 2nd Place de la Bourse; M°: Bourse
  3. 4th Pont Saint-Louis; M°: Pont Marie
    4th Place de la Bastille (Arsenal side); M°: Bastille
  4. 7th Esplanade des Invalides (western end); M°: Invalides
  5. 11th Central reservation bd Richard-Lenoir; M°: from Bastille to Richard-Lenoir
  6. 12th Cour Châlon; M°: Gare de Lyon
  7. 16th Jardins du Trocadéro; M°: Trocadéro
    16th Allée de la reine Marguerite (Bois de Boulogne, only at weekends); M°: -Porte Dauphine
    16th Avenue de Saint-Cloud (Bois de Boulogne); M°: Porte Dauphine
  8. 19th Esplanade du Zénith - Parc de la Villette; M°: Porte de Pantin


References or related links:
